Forest/Pasture Raised Pork
We are continuously raising & finishing feeder pigs on the farm. During the summer, this is primarily done in the woods near the bayou. In the winter, we typically move the pigs to higher ground into the pasture for their safety. Our feeder pigs are fed a commercial finishing feed blend (no hormones or antibiotics) from a local feed mill and supplement their diet with acorns, nuts, berries, briars, brambles, grasses, roots, etc. They are rotated approximately once a week into a fresh paddock where they have plenty of shade, fresh water and fresh forage to dine on. Raising pigs in this manner requires much more effort than raising them in a confined space but allows them to act like pigs and do pig stuff the way God intended.
We currently have 2 Hampshire sows that we breed twice each year by Artificially Insemination to produce the optimal offspring. We are raising 3 more Duroc/Hampshire & Berkshire/Hampshire gilts (young females) that should become first time mothers in the summer/fall of 2024. Our goal is to be able to produce a finished group of feeder pigs (High Quality Pork) for processing in the 250 - 300# range every 6 to 8 weeks.
We currently sell halves, wholes, & State Inspected individual cuts to individuals.